Digital Lóðstöð 50W, Max 480 °C

Digital Lóðstöð 50W, Max 480 °C

14.990 kr.
Vörunúmer: 4180174
This advanced soldering station offers an adjustable temperature range spanning from a precise 160°C to a robust 480°C, making it versatile enough to handle a wide range of soldering tasks with ease. Equipped with a sleek, intuitive digital display, this soldering station not only provides a clear, real-time readout of the set temperature but also continuously updates you on the actual temperature of the soldering tip. This dual display ensures precision and control, allowing you to monitor the soldering process with confidence. In addition to its superior temperature control features, this soldering station simplifies the often-complex task of temperature unit conversion. With a seamless switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit, you can work comfortably in the unit of your choice, eliminating any potential for confusion. For added convenience, a dedicated preset button is at your disposal, making temperature adjustments swift and straightforward. This feature allows you to instantly recall your preferred temperature settings, saving you time and ensuring consistent soldering results. With a power rating of 25 watts, extendable to a maximum of 50 watts, this soldering station is a dependable workhorse for all your soldering needs. Its power capabilities ensure rapid heat-up times and the ability to handle even the most demanding soldering tasks.
  • A temperature controlled soldering station with adjustable temperature range from 160°C to 480°C.
  • A two-line LED readout simultaneously displays temperature setting and actual temperature setting and actual temperature.
  • Gloss finish pleasing to the eye.
  • Compact and lightweight soldering iron with silicone cord.
  • A user-friendly soldering iron handle with a foam sleeve.
  • Easier way to achieve °C/°F conversion with the asterisk button.
  • The M button: a preset button for temperature setting.
  • It comes with soldering iron stand, solder wire stand, solder wire, cleaning sponge and cleaning ball.


x1 Soldering Iron Stand; x1 Solder Wire Stand; x1 Solder Wire; x1 Cleaning Sponge (MP-79-7309); x1 Cleaning Ball (MP-87-0134) 

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